View your individual development plan in each subject – the development plan gives you the chapters in which you need to strengthen and how much time you need to invest.
Test yourself in each chapter and in each topic. Each time you take a test you will be given the right answers and solutions immediately after the test. This helps you to learn the topic better.
Read the material and view the videos in each chapter and topic to improve your understanding.
Raise your doubts with your teacher or the I-WIN teacher, and get clarifications.
Answer assignments / tests given by your teacher on I-WIN portal.
Track your progress in each chapter in each subject.
View and practice questions from the past Board and Competitive exams.
Improve your accuracy and time for Board and Competitive exams by attempting I-WIN Mock Tests and Expert Tests.
Compare your performance with that of the best student in the class.
I-WIN is your best preparation source… make the best use.
Use the material and presentations on the I-WIN portal for your preparation.
View the development plan for each student of your class and plan the interventions that the student needs.
View the progress of each student in each chapter he studies.
Give assignments or tests using the questions on the I-WIN Portal. The Portal has over 150,000 questions at different complexity levels. You can choose questions on any chapter or topic covered in the syllabus.
There could be fast learners, average learners and slow learners in your class. You can make different assignments or question papers for each group.
View the performance of each student in the assignment or test. At the end of the test, the student be able to view the right answers along with solutions. That helps to improve his understanding and also help you to counsel individual students.
View chapter wise doubts raised by the students and the clarifications given by you.
View the performance and progress of students in each class and section.
View the performance of each teacher in terms of the progress of students and interventions provided.
Compare the performance of students among different sections of each class.
Identify students who are capable of getting top ranks in Board and Competitive exams.
View how your child has progressed from month to month.
View the assignments and tests attempted by your child and gauge his / her performance.
View the weak areas of your child in every subject. You could also help your child overcome the weak areas
Compare your child’s performance with the best student in the class